Business bank debt dispute resolution
Business bank debt dispute resolution

Fake business bank debt dispute resolution solutions.

John Collett in SMH Money 24 January 2024 highlights problems with 100,000 complaints to AFCA. Australia’s Fake Complaints Authority. This free bank debt dispute resolution service is an industry internal complaints body, provided by the banking industry, for their own benefit. It is a FAKE, in pretending to be a “Government  Authority”. Hoping to get your bank disputes resolved by a shop front with no teeth can leave you feeling disappointed.

Government owned banks.

Get a fair go from dishonest banks. Contact a genuine bank loan and bank debt consultant like  GBAC. In addition, those taken down by their bank may want government control of banks for a fair banking industry like Australia had before de-regulation  in 1987. Bankwatch can help you persuade Federal Parliament to re-introduce government owned banks to provide honest competition.

Bank dispute resolution trends.

Australia cannot afford to have businesses foreclosed on and sold up or  sent to Debt Mediation. Thousands of small to medium sized family businesses are tricked into unaffordable loans.  Moreover, unaffordable loans can result in  receivers appointed, assets stripped and sold off.

Resolving bank disputes.

It is no good expecting free advice from the banking industry to make the banks pay up for the damage to their customers. GBAC can provide good business debt consultants to help write off interest-inflated debt caused by dishonest bank practices.

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